62nd Class Reunion
Dear classmates:
Our 62nd class reunion will be held on Sunday April 24th and Monday the 25th. On Sunday we will have dinner at
the Hilton Hotel 4200 City Line Ave. Cocktails and hors deouvres will be at 6:00. Dinner will be at 7:00. Wives and
significant others are optional. The choice for dinner is Chateaubriand or sautéed chicken. The cost will be $60.00.
On Monday we will meet at Central at 9:00 for holocaust remembrance day. Manny Mandel will be one of the
speakers. We will have lunch at the school at a cost of $10.00. Make your check out to 202-Central High School and
mail them to me at 1465 Joel Dr. Ambler Pa 19002.
Bob Becker